Thursday, September 13, 2007

Unemployment woes

I'm gonna lose my job soon.

Okay, maybe I already told most of you guys that I wanted to quit in the first place, but before I even typed out my resignation letter, my boss summoned me and my colleague to the meeting room.

Turns out, my boss (or future ex-boss) was gonna migrate to Australia. So, he's going to shut down his operation(the advertising company I'm working at) before he goes, officially middle of next month. Imagine this: My pay was never raised, I worked there for a year but I was never a confirmed staff, they cut MY pay for print errors but never my colleague's, they fired AND RE-HIRED us JUST to escape confirmation of staff and pay rise.Talk about bad bosses.

Oh well, no time for updates till I'm officially "released" (that's what its called nowadays) from my job. Will call any one of you guys to YAMCHA IN THE AFTERNOON!! EHEHEHE!

On the side, any of you go for Fitness First? hmm?

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